Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Day 23 ----- A World Changer Day!

We love World Changers?

You know we LOVE World Changers!!!

We have a World Changer who joined our team TODAY:

Please welcome our new World Changer Terry B. from Idaho!!!!!

Terry has been looking a long while for a program that will help her bolster her retirement, help her stay home more, get her off her feet more since her job requires standing on concrete, and to let go of her commute to work.

She said YES! to My Power Mall because she likes our system, she loves our philosophy of giving, and she said she enjoyed talking with me and that we could laugh together--- add to it the certificates which bring her back $600 over the course of the year, and she's happy to find us.

By the time I had called her for our follow-up today, Terry had been online all morning researching our company and checking out the features in her back office, familiarizing herself with our training and I found her in our MPM Marketplace getting ready to purchase an advertising aid -- a MUG. She received her Welcome Letter, so we got right to work sharing with her some of the most pertinent information that will help her be successful as she begins.

Terry is yet another example of the saying, "A lead is never too old." Terry sought information about a year ago and never really found what she wanted, so instead began an online training course to get her ready for a career change. I am thrilled that I picked up the phone to call her and that she is now part of our Giving Together Is Good Foundation Mall Team, which is really Big Z's Enterprise Team!!!

We are happy to have you, Terry!!!

We are happy to have EVERYONE on Big Z's Enterprise Team! Without you, we are nothing! It's only TOGETHER that we help each other and help TWCCTW keep expanding the envelope of its powerful vision ---

We got some of our Business Partnership Information copied from the business site and onto our hard drive, which we then transferred to a disk to take to the copy store.

We went out to meet our India restaurant friends and were happy the children were there with Mom. She sat us down with the young boys and thus began an hour or so of time together.

Unfortunately, they didn't get to watch the full video since she's been busy, her hubby out of town, and her eldest boy got ill. She did her best to get the computer hooked up at the table, but we found her hardware needed a mandatory upgrade and she wasn't comfortable with the process since her husband always takes care of that. She wants to have her son be the information translator for our language barrier; she feels he's able to understand and translate for her with much more ease. He didn't, however, watch the video either. So, we scheduled for our earliest opportunity, next Wednesday, and the rest of our time was spent visiting amongst the boys and strengthening our connection. This week her time is full; and Mondays are always busy for me, and Tuesday I head back south to my eye doctor which will take a good chunk of my day.

After we departed our folks there, we headed to the copy store to make copies.

We made a few copies of the fliers for display to sell Solar Oven Factory Certificates, made more solar oven fliers, made copies of the receipts and sign-up sheets, and then looked around the store for a few minutes. We caught the eyes of a young gal as her Mom paid for all her school supplies, and so even though we were switched to another line and needed to get to the Chinese restaurant, I pulled out a card and gave it to her so she and her Mom can save big money next time. Big Z was already feeling hot and restless, and with hands full, figured it was the best for that moment.

As we walked to the restaurant, we ran into someone who had seen us in the store (I guess I wasn't paying much attention!) and she is the step-mother of a former classmate of Big Z's. So we had a few pleasantries and were on our way.

Our next meeting went okay, but we hope for better next time. The Mom owner had to step out and she had us talk with her husband. He speaks little English, and understands more. Over all the years he's waited on us, rarely does he speak. Their daughter was there, and had grown, grown, grown, and so she was our help today. She even went to get a notepad to take notes for her father! So, we made it through the best we could leaving information for his wife when she returned. We found out they have Internet at the restaurant, but no email that works --- so, we'll have to see what we can do about that. So, we left copies of the home page of the BPP website, and the Solar Oven Flier, our biz card, and I forgot (even though they were now fresh in the bag) the copy of the Someone Believes In You Story with the World Changer Information on the back ;-). Next time ;-).

We got enough copies to get us through a few handfuls of local merchants . . .

We'll continue to get more and more brave as we take each step ;-).

Have a great rest of the week everyone, and thank you! Thank you! Thank YOU! for all your support and encouragement!

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