Friday, July 31, 2009

Day 19 -----Friday Meet with Business Owner and Commute

I was none too pleased with my commute home from the eye doctor; or that I have to go back again in a short, short to have another test done and ensure the new lenses she's given me will be sufficient. Too, too, too much traffic. Thankfully, it was so much cooler here today that I didn't swelter and I kept "my cool" in spite of the hour plus of stop and go. I tell you what. I am sure spoiled this last year or so, not driving my car much at all, and instead using the bicycle or walking --- and, the not needing to travel. Now, I cannot use my fuel voucher; but I sure have saved a lot in fuel this last year! My tank was thirsty today and I was amazed at how fast a full tank of gas falls when you're in the car that long!

The office staff weren't in the mood to be prospected today. They're all new after my Doc passed a few years ago in a horrible motorcycle accident. Missed him sorely when I found out, and missed him very much today; even welled up in tears seeing his visage around the place, especially in the exam room. I was pleased, however, with the young Doctor that attended me. The staff thought I may very well like to have her husband, but he was out today. I was game to try her and I'm glad we got to meet. Should she choose to have children, she will be a great mother. She has an ability to connect. Maybe next time????

The great news of the day:

I met with the owner of the Indian Restaurant. It was wonderful that her children were there, and oh, so much bigger than when I last saw them. They had their books, their toys, their snacks and their blankets.

She was a bit hesitant at the start of our time together, but as I kept smiling, and talking, she caught hold of my enthusiasm and let go of the "I'm not doing advertising" thoughts and remembered me and our fun visits.

We had quite a few interruptions, but we made it through, and it gave time to connect with her children and to just flow with it. I believe she was quite pleased by the time it was all said and done, even if her youngest placed the wrong cable end into her laptop--- it was useless until she took it to the shop.

We scheduled a follow-up for next week and I told her Big Z will be able to come. When she had her 10 year old go to the counter to wait on a customer (she said he was doing it last year, too, but he's gotten lazy) I was impressed and told her all about Z's Biz and how Ginny loves to have a company where a child can set their life up with the help of a loving adult so that when they are our age, they won't have to wonder how their college bills will be paid, or, how they will pay for their house, or medical bills, or retirement.

Her husband is no longer doing construction due to the market, but instead is in a big rig traveling to and from California. She will speak with him upon his return and look at the video this weekend.

I told her I would get a meal and so I got a buffet take-out. She watched as I put it together, and she commented on my short hair and how different I look to her. And, then she said, "Okay, thank you. See you on Tuesday!" She seemed really happy I was not a salesperson and trying to get her to buy ads. She said they don't work.

I went to pay and she came up and said, "No, no. You don't pay!" I insisted and she relented and I told her how kind she was to offer to give me take-out for nothing. She added, "I have to eat and that's what I do", but I insisted it was very kind of her, but to please, let me pay for my own meal.

So, that's for dinner and I'm going to get right on it. It will still be good ;-).

Big Z got home from his camping trip and did well. He didn't want to have the camping time end. He had a lot of fun and got to help Ranger Amber with tidying up around the park. This was his T-Day project and he's glad that's done so he can devote the weekend to play.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Day 18 ------Confession

Though I had every intention of gaining new contacts today, the way it all turned out, I didn't. I figure I'll make up for it on the weekend.

Got Z ready for his last big day out and about in our local woods at a park on the bay this early afternoon. It was good to Pal around the house with him this morning getting his gear ready. He got to take his bicycle for a ride on the trail to the park and gets to have about 26 hours' worth of fun and more fun. It's a bit weird to not have him with me or his Dad tonight--- he's been to a sleep-over with a trusted friend, but never out with a group of boys in the dark of night in the woods. I hope that his excitement over being there far outweighs his fears.

Worked on follow-ups this afternoon and into the evening. My one appointment wasn't there, but I did catch in another young man who intends to use My Power Mall to his advantage. He's a clever individual and has many skills that have developed out of an accident that left him in a wheelchair. It was inspirational to hear his excitement and to hear his desire to give back --- and to hear his dreams. He wants to be a part of something big, so we dreamed about the possibility of him being on the tech team for TWCCTW one day! And that he could create something as huge as Google and be as well known as Bill Gates. He works on developing his website for over 8 hours a day and wants to complete this before beginning his alliance with our company, so we are going to keep in touch.

Tomorrow I meet with the owner of the Indian food restaurant and share with her about MPM and the Business Partnership Program. I'm looking forward to reconnecting with her.

I also head a few hours out of town for an eye exam and so will be on the road during high traffic times, but it's supposed to be somewhat cooler tomorrow. I will look for opportunities as I travel familiar and out of the way destinations and change up my routine. The visit is a must for my eyes are long ready for new contacts --- and, I've put it off far too long already. I am making it a priority because it is ;-).

I hopped on FaceBook again to navigate the unfamiliar waters again and connected with more people in various forms. Figured out the chat feature; and how to post on others' Walls, and how to post on mine and comment. So progress being made. What I find so funny about the comments I've gotten so far is they are all related to my pix and how I seem to look just like I did in high school. Hmmm. I think not myself, but hey! The pix isn't up close and personal and may not show every fine line and wrinkle that's developed in 20 plus years ;-). And most funny of all is my sister is on there and I got ahold of her more quickly on FB that I can when I call her, lol.

Night all. Stay safe.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Day 17 -----

We visited a coffee chain and met with the manager and know how to proceed for the Solar Oven Factory Fundraiser. We also spoke to her and the employee on personal terms, but they didn't see the value of getting $270 back ---yet. The employee, however, did ask us to come back on Friday for a huge event they are doing to raise money for Africa. So, that was cool.

We met with a manager of a pharmacy. The pharmacy is so big that we also have to take measures with corporate, so we'll see what happens. We queried her on the personal level and found she has interest, loves doing stuff like this. So, we have her full contact information, a lovely visit, permission to follow-up about the business, etc.

We met with our favorite manager of a Chinese restaurant we've eat at for years. We have permission to come in and speak with her after 2 or 3 PM and we said we'd wait until next week when Big Z is out of camp.

I called the owner of a nice Indian food restaurant. We have a funny story here about when she and her husband first took it over. I ordered take-out while my car was at the tire shop and she didn't have utensils or anything much to put my order in. We had a great visit, and ever since that time when I come in with, or without Big Z, we have a short and pleasant visit. She has children as well, and in those first days, they were with her at the restaurant, huddled up in the corner with books, a tv, and any other item that might occupy them and keep them quiet.

I asked if we could come speak to her, and when she would be in. She didn't know it was me on the line, and so asked if it had to do with advertising. I told her it could. She hesitated, saying she has stopped advertising . . . not enough customers these days. I explained to her who I was and that I wanted to come in anyhow, because what we have can help even now. I told her I knew she and her husband were good business people and I valued them (he has a construction business, too). So, though Big Z will be at camp, I will go meet with her on Friday.

I had a cool thing happen today as I picked up the phone to dial Big Z's father. There was no dial tone. "Hmm," I thought. "I'm sure I plugged the phone back in." Yes. I had.

"Hello, this is Tess."

On the other end of the line was a woman who said she'd gotten a message from me, but it was garbled and she just had her phone replaced and was calling me back. So, I looked for her information and could not find it !!! She said she was from TX, and she was willing to go through the interview, so we did.

Her computer is in the shop right now, but she's going to the library tomorrow to look at our videos. Her boyfriend is in construction and he's not gotten a good contract in over 4 months. She has 4 children at home, all under 16 years, and one has a disability. She wants to have income to consider retirement, to have something of her own, to have income, and to eventually restructure every area of her life.

After I got off the coaching call with Jacki sharing how wonderful it was to have a contact that you don't know where they came from, I searched and searched and finally found where she came from. She is from a batch of Cutting Edge Media leads that we used with the Calling System we used a few months ago. I'm still following up with those leads ---though, they took a little bit of a back seat during Miracle Team leads ---- I called her again on the 21st. And, it wasn't her--- it was the name of her son AND a different email, but the phone number was the same.


It will be lovely to talk with her tomorrow evening and answer her questions. She said, "Just the name of your company is how I feel. One person has a hard time making a difference, but, Together --- now together you can do so much."

What I most loved about this woman was her good nature, and, her matter-of-fact answer to income potential --- Her answer on living comfortably was to have 1/2 million to 1 million dollars a year. Now, she's the first person to ever give that figure --- and to be serious about it. She knows what it will take to care for her disabled boy; she knows what it will take to care for herself and not be a burden to her children; she knows that figure is realistic ---
and, she said that if I'm asking that kind of question, we must have a type of program that can get her to this level.

Indeed. Ginny believes we can, however, I cautioned that it won't happen overnight since we are not a get-rich-program. Instead, we are a "you must take action and use our system" program and do your part. She said it was okay, that she still had some years to play with ;-).

As for Facebook, why, I've got a little bit of a learning curve --- what are all those games, and points and who knows what-- pillow fights, etc. I still don't quite know how to post, but I did get a pix up after Jacki ribbed me for not getting one up last night; and I had another friend rib me because I sent her my pix last week of being bald for T-Day --- so, what to do but to rib her back because she has a penguin as her pix ;-). For those of you that understand it, I commend you, and ask for your patience as I become indoctrinated into the land of social networking. I did find a way to post to my wall about what we are doing --- providing a win-win-win fundraising experience at

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Day 16 -----Let Facebook Begin ;-)

Live Chat started my day after going outside into the cool morning air to water my plants. I took in the beauty of the sun as it filtered through the misty air. It was positively beautiful.

Today I visited a soon-to-be members MySpace site, and her listings. I also followed up with her today. She intends to get started on August 1.

I'd not heard of, so I found myself listening to a video after clicking on a fella's pix and came to find out he's the co-creator of the site -- a beyond Craigslist experience. Paul Kats is his name and he was in on the ground floor creation of MySpace and graduated from UC Berkley. They wanted to create a better product, use word of mouth to grow its member base, have forums for feedback on their systems, and for networking. They wanted happy users, the best features, the best tools and the best products. He stated, much as we all say and I paraphrase:

You Must Believe In Your Idea and LIVE It.
You must listen to people's suggestions.
All of the above must gel ---best products, best tools, best features and happy users.'s name came from the old cork boards where people used to post their items for sale.

Today I was blessed to visit with former Boot Camper Tom. We had a brief but wonderful catch-up. I also got to call a stack of East Coast contacts which felt great.

One person I spoke with was really interested in the certificates for the Global Initiative and so I got him the info and hope he buys himself and his children certificates ;-).

Thank you, Ginny, for posting the receipts for the Solar Oven Project ;-).

On the Miracle Team Coaching Call tonight, Jacki challenged me to put a time frame on when I will visit my first business (es) in town. By Friday night blog posting, I will DO IT ;-).

All is well, and tonight I got swept away with my other goal from last Boot Camp--- and because of the prodding of one of my high school friends who I really, really want to be on my Together We Can Change The World Team. So, I admit, I got sucked into the process of signing up while on our Miracle Team Call ---

And, then . . .

It is now hours since then and I STILL haven't connected with all my *friends*. I can say, however, this is one of the fastest ways to get connected I have ever seen ;-).

And, so, this is online social networking connection #2 for the week.

And now, before the deadline, I'd better get my report to Susan.

Big Z is well and thriving in his camp this week, in spite of mosquito hunger and scrapes and bruises ---

Good Night All ;-).

Monday, July 27, 2009

Day 15 ----Week 3 Begins

My day began at 0600 with the Boot up of my computer and has been non-stop since then except for a lunch time out ;-).

My energy has been really good today. As I said on the Miracle Team Call this morning, my weekend provided nourishment, activity, rest and downtime that gave me a feeling of renewal.
I carried this through my day ~~~

Big Z got off to Camp just before I hopped on Customer Service for 2 1/2 hours. It was wonderful to hear John Crisp on the Family Chat tonight after being able to help him on my shift today --- Way to Go, John. Welcome back to My Power Mall ;-).

Now that Jacki is drinking green smoothies, why lemonades will be next ;-). LOL
Jacki, I told you this already, but I am so very, very proud of you for making this leap and taking action. How incredible to hear you haven't had your meds for three days! WOWee!

I didn't get my leads today in the conventional sense --- instead, my last 8 hours was devoted to the phone making follow-up calls, with follow-up emails occurring in the midst of it. My follow-ups leads ran the gamut, from old Peak Impact, to the leads for the testing system we used a few months ago (yes! still following up AND reaching people after 3-4th VM), the Fab 50 and the Miracle Team leads, and yes! my local contact leads. It adds up after awhile of being consistent ;-).

All told, I have 5 new contacts from a stack of local leads I have.

The followed up on 35 people and was happy for connects, whether it be new interviews or following up after interviews or connecting for the first time.

My stack of leads to follow-up with after interviews happens to have a lot of them on the east coast. My challenge--- many of my mornings are devoted to calls or Customer Service, so I find that by the day's end, I'm only able to get to a few a day before it's too late to call.

The good news is that I have so many folks in my local area and times zones, that I'm having plenty to keep me busy into the evening and am still not even getting all of them followed up with.

Isn't it GREAT to have TOO MANY people to SHARE our Business with????


It IS!

While on the Miracle Team call this morning, I was looking for my contact for my credit union. I haven't found her yet, and know her contact info is nearby ----however, I found a stack of sales letters I'd set aside for buying cars from local dealers, ad paks with local business advertising, and a stack of merchants and people I know who have a business. I pulled them all out, sorted through the ad pak and picked out who I wanted to approach, and kept the letters handy. I also included a few people I've spoken or worked with in the past to contact them, including old leads who either said yes or not to a former business of mine.

Did I have a chance to look at them again today?

Nope. But when I did have them in my hand, I was visualizing my approach to businesses and "dressing up" for the meeting. I am determined to speak to merchants in my community, even if I've heard in the past that our local community of businesses are tough to "break into" when it comes to networking --- Each time I visualize myself doing it, I'm creating the confidence I'll need to waltz through those doors.

I'm re-adding to my list the call to the market to confirm what I read in their forms you must fill out to get a fundraiser set up in their entryway --- they said none allowed in summer months --- and certain other times of the year.

Today I revisited a networking site for women that I joined in April. I've been working so diligently that I haven't really had the time to get in there. But as I'm also determined to get myself onto Facebook, etc . . . I knew that I needed to take advantage of what was already begun.

So, I upgraded my membership so that I could take advantage of a 6 week long tele-seminar course that is going to be provided (we can always learn more and more and more) and also to gain additional training, mentoring, and connection with other women.

While there, I joined a forum connected to a woman who's driven Big Rigs for years --- and posted to it (I took my Class A CDL course almost 2 years ago). And, I also uploaded one of the videos we bought from Lost Marble in the UK and wrote up a blurb about TWCCTW based, taking tidbits from our Miracle Team Training and including a link to the T-Day site and the TWCCTW song.

T-DAY ---

Tomorrow begins anew with Customer Service at 7 am, and two schedule follow-up calls directly after; and my dinner ---veggie soup --- sits waiting for me to fill my belly, a bit late tonight.

It's ALL good!

Ya'll have a blessed night's rest and we'll see you tomorrow.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Day 14 ----End of Week 2

"There came a time when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom."

-Anais Nin

Sunday became a day of reading, rest, and catching up on details that have slipped by in our personal lives. Big Z finished Book of Harry Potter and he finally got me reading Book 2 again. He encouraged, "You should really just start Book 7 before we have to take it back to the library, Mom." Now, how can I do that???

Our lives are filled with many blessings . . . and we are glad for them.

We wish you a week full of joy as you risk, as you blossom.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Day 13 ----Day Off Day

For the most part, today was a day-off day. It felt GREAT.

I did make one scheduled follow-up call and checked in on things . . .

But the rest of the day was devoted to "reasonable rewards" --- for the efforts given for the last 90 plus days. It's been a good and wonderful devotion to the growth of Big Z's Enterprise and our Foundation Malls, Big Z Gives Big and Giving Together Is Good.

I hiked to the top of a local mountain and enjoyed the beauty, the sights, the sounds, the delightful flight of the starlings, the ants busy at their work, the funny little bugs that liked to stick themselves to me, the sunshine, the f-r-e-e-d-o-m, my company . . .

Big Z and I also got to hang out on his bed while he read Harry Potter and I read a few paragraphs in a booklet and dozed. Much as he tried to get me to read HP, too, I just couldn't focus on it . . .

We then got out to visit a local lake and found it was full of folks celebrating a huge event, people from all over the country we found by reading all the license plates, so we settled on a little mountain lake. We cooled off and hung out on the beach; Big Z also attempted to catch the little fish with black tails. The larger fish with iridescent tails kept further in the depths and weren't so eager.

Ominous clouds rolled in over the mountains and threatened a storm. Within a short time, it did more than threaten! Lightning rolled across the sky and thunder boomed after it. Big Z looked at me, his eyes wide, and I said, "Time to go!" and more lightening lit up the sky. We packed up and got to the car and settled into the warm heat still remaining from the late afternoon sun.

He wanted to race the storm, but we found we didn't get far before the big booms sounded and big fat rain drops slapped the windshield. We drove very slowly and were surprised at all the weekend traffic. We drove by Big Z's old home he moved from last year when his Dad sold the house. We got home, showered up and ate homemade soup, and now, a bit of relaxation and bonding time before we hop into bed, our ears listening to the thunder and rain . . .

Hope you are all very, very well this evening.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Day 12 ---- Friday

Followed up with folks that are still in the funnel and expectantly awaiting our new team members to join with us and our mission with Together We Can Change The World~

Sending emails and e-cards. Will follow-up with some e-books this weekend for those that are not ready for the power of My Power Mall --- y.e.t.

Had two great clients and sessions today, had delightful weather, got to hug my boy, and make fresh veggie soup.

I'm looking forward to our weekend. Will be following up and connecting as we move through it.

Enjoy your weekend, everyone. And, celebrate Life!

End of the Typical Work Week


Yes. Typical . . . Most people are out there working 9-5 Monday through Friday --- factor in commutes and you find people have little time at home, with themselves, or their families.

When you have a home-based business, your efforts and actions go towards creating your freedom --- freedom from the rat-race and someone else's clock. It doesn't happen overnight; success that is. It happens by taking a little bit of action towards your dreams every single day, no matter how small. Each day's action adds up to quite a lot of action, and, results will begin to appear, seemingly out of nowhere.

Big Z and I are seeing this in the growth of our team. Frank sees it in his team. We've been diligent and consistent for months now. In time, we shall have a snowball effect; we shall hit the 100th Monkey Effect; we shall ride our Prosperity Wave, and be able to have the water spray touch each and every person around us as if it were Golden drops of Abundance and Spiritual Energy. And, as those people see this golden spray lit up with the powerful energy of creation and abundance, they will be awe-struck, their jaws dropped, their eyes wide, and their hands lifted to receive. They will be given the gift of knowingness ---that they too can get to where we are going . . . F-R-E-E-D-O-M.

Each one of us, even when we press up against ourselves, our fears, our nay-sayers, and anything and anyone else that would stop us, must continue to hold our vision in front of us.

What's so wonderful about TWCCTW and the vision of our company is that it is so large and encompasses so much that it can serve as a springboard for your very own vision if you can't quite articulate it yet. Throw yourself behind our cause and sing the SONG --- "Together WE CAN Change The World".

Then, as you move along, you will find your own vision within the global vision. Personalize it; make it yours. Our vision comes back to our "why".

We want residual income that sustains our everyday needs and that provides for our wants and desires. We want to have flexibility in our time and still know our needs and wants are met. We want to know that at a moment's notice, we can be spontaneous and take a trip backpacking in the mountains for a week, travel to California to spend time with our family, travel to Virgina, Connecticut, Texas, Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, Minnesota, Nevada, and Ohio to see our friends and our extended family. How I'd love to go sweep my Grandfather away on a trip around the country so that he can see anything his heart desires before his time to leave this earth comes, sharing special time with Big Z and he, and anyone else who wanted to join us! We want to be able to give of our time and have ease about it. When our needs are met, it's so wonderful to give and give fully without the thought in your head, " . . . but I need to . . ." and instead have our thoughts totally focused in the now, in the delightful experience right in front of us. We want our time to be our own --- not tied to a clock and to the person that holds the purse-strings.

We want our lives to be increasingly rich in all areas of our lives --- physically, spiritually, mentally, psychologically, emotionally.

We want to be able to nurture our innate gifts and talents and share them with the world. Fortunately, Big Z is already taking piano. But Oh! what other delightful endeavors there are in this life! To taste fully of each one and become an expert if it fits our fancy, now that's what we're talking about.

How many of you get to live like this? Few . . .

Well, we're going to be one of the few that DO live with freedom and flexibility in our lives. With TWCCTW and MPM it is possible. We have a vehicle, and we're in the seat driving it, and it's not a haphazard trip either. We're following a map, a plan, laid out for us by the capable leaders of our company that have gone before us. All we have to do is have the "drive" (hey! that's an unexpected and good pun) within us to follow the map!

The Miracle Boot Camp is a choice for us. As we chose it; we were chosen. We've had our challenges in these last two weeks, but we are going to step through each and every one of them because our why, our vision, is much larger than anything that can hold us back, including our "past" limited income.

The Miracle Boot Camp is a chance for us to demonstrate consistency in action towards our vision, towards our goals, to step ever closer and to become one with our why.

We are not perfect in this, but instead we are Perfect Imperfectionists, and, that said, we are firmly gentle on ourselves. Which is what we would hope that anyone who is growing a business from home would be. We are human, we have lives, we have demands that sometimes seem beyond our control --- but we can do what we can and be glad in it!

Thank you for tuning into our 4 week publicized journey. And, thank you to each and every Miracle Boot Camper for doing your part and pulling through with each and every challenge and success, and for uniting with us. We are more than one gathered, and therefore, TOGETHER, our message of freedom ---from time and money limitations, and inner growth limitations, and career limitations and any other seen and unseen limitations --- be heard daily.

"Let us BE FREE

of us ALL."

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Day 11 ----

This morning brought me a fun call while on Live Chat --- a call by Ellie Drake on finding your "Prosperity Hormone". Now, this call was mainly for women, but guys also have their own prosperity hormone, just very different from ours ;-). The call was a teaser for an upcoming extensive tele-conference and was interesting. I walked away with the message that we women need to be in love with our vision, and give birth to our purpose and cultivate it through the "motherly courage of consistency to see our purpose through."

I was able to help an International person from India who was on our My Power Mall site for the first time; and I helped a member from the US understand how she opens new business centers for her granddaughter, her daughter, and for NPO's and TWCCTW Foundations.

Customer Service time is always good when you're able to walk away from the shift knowing that you've helped a member or a prospective member out. It's rewarding to not only serve our members, but to get to know our the CS team over time.

I'm never very good at multi-tasking when on Live Chat, but today, I think I did a good job of catching almost all of the conference call and being effective by getting my callers the information they needed.

I highly recommend to anyone who wants to hone their skills a little further to volunteer for the Chat Line. Nita is an outstanding Director, and as I've said before, has a sense of humor worth your time ;-). It's a great way to give back to TWCCTW for all that TWCCTW gives to us.

Email Nita at admin [at] Let her know you're ready, willing, and dependable. Shifts are 2 hours in length most often, though with the new 5 hour minimum, it may be you do have an hour shift -- or, you stretch to 6 hours/week.

I had a lovely Reconnective Healing Session with my first client early in the afternoon after creating individualized e-cards and mailing them out. After the session, I spoke with my client (who is a friend) about our boot camp and fund raiser; and he's very curious about Reconnective Healing.

I've decided to come off my lemonade drinks, so I went to the market to get oranges and a few other items. It was my excuse to visit with folks. I stopped by the USPS on my way home.

My successes at the market were --- making approaches and having conversations -- or not, depending upon who I was speaking with.

I had an especially wonderful conversation with a woman who is 82 years young, and who met my eyes with a smile. Alas, she doesn't have a computer and hasn't been on one since she retired from the telephone company 26 years ago ;-). Her husband died 2 years ago, but she still lives alone and attends to her needs, including yard care. I inquired whether she had familial help with those projects, 'cause me and Big Z wouldn't mind at all to come help her out. She had her bases covered, so we smiled and wished each other a good day.

I went to the customer service counter to see who I may speak with about setting up a table out from of the market to share about the Solar Oven Project. I have a name and paperwork to fill out. It's a 4 week or so process, so I'm not sure if we'll be able to get it set up by our deadline, but it's worth a try ;-).

I came home to work on my project --- my forgotten project for earlier this week, since the info was in my computer and not right in front of my face ;-). I have 6 organizations that need assistance becoming My Power Mall Non-Profit Mall Members. I made my calls, had connects, disconnects, no emails, and left voice mails. I now will follow up with emails with a link to the current NPO video.

My effort gave me an idea as I squeezed fresh oranges, their aroma filling the air around me, and it has also made me more comfortable calling an organization.

I have a stack of 25 NPOs who need help getting their My Power Mall NPOs set up. I'm going to find my list and get to work doing the same thing I did today and call them. People need guidance. These organizations need guidance. So, if any one of you who are reading this also accepted 25 NPOs for helping TWCCTW at some point, get that file out and get to work ;-).

It was rewarding to visit some of the web sites for these organizations and to see what they do and how small or large they are. It was exhilarating to tap into their mission and feel an excitement to know more . . . alas, my time is limited currently, but I enjoyed the niggle.

I made follow-up calls and have just a little bit more time before I'm back out the door for my next healing client.

It's been a good day.

Rest well everyone, and, keep your spirits light.

Happy Birthday, GinnyD.

singing . . .


and, Many More . . . "

We appreciate YOU. Have a blessed day and a year of incredible bounty, in all aspects of your life.

Big Z

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Day 10 ---- Is it Mid-Week Already?

Susan, you did a fine job moderating the Miracle Team call first thing this morning, in spite of the lag time and echo ;-). Thank YOU for taking the reigns so beautifully!

It was great to hear from everyone. The most powerful part of the call for me was having Adrian's "Been There Done That" Chairman in his office, and Adrian's request to allow this man to speak to anyone to have questions answered. Frank was on the line, and so, he said hello and thus was born a wonderful exchange between the two men. I especially liked how Frank describes our company:

---We level the playing field; anyone can do this business
---We're mission driven rather than profit driven
---We pay you to participate as a World Changer; and for all your shopping --- shop for your needs first; then shop for your wants 2nd.

Thank you Adrian and Frank (and Mr. Chairman). That was wonderful to be a "fly on the wall".

Big Z had his last day of Potter School and had a great time. Yesterday he made sleeping potion; today he made healing salve. He has his very own cauldron now ;-).

Z's Dad was a little late this morning, and then a had a client that was a lot late. This threw my day off and I ended up being a bit out of sync for the rest of the day, but still made progress.

I had a pick-me-up visit with a fellow Boot Camper and it was good to hear my own words coming out of my mouth to remind myself of all that I've learned over the years . . . little sayings, tricks, tips, info, inspiration, strategy, trick-the-mind kind of stuff. So, thank you for being my mirror and reflecting back to me messages I need to hear and be reminded of.

I got out of the house after attending to my flyers and info and knocked on neighbor's door, met a window salesperson, went to the USPS, visited with another neighbor. I yielded a contact and a card out. I wanted to be sure to be here for evening follow-up calls so I opted to use some local leads I've never contacted to boost my numbers.

I made follow-up calls and was a bit bummed to find one of my contacts having a bad number. It's not the bad number that's disappointing; it's that we had such a lovely conversation and to not have the correct number (she wrote it down) feels like she didn't trust me after all.

I connected with the Dr. He was honest in saying he only gave us his info because he never wants to shut anyone down. He's not viewed info since he has company, he just went back to work, and it's summer (we in WA love summer 'cause it's the best time of year!). I updated him on the Solar Oven Project and gave him the time frame for our fund-raising project. He said he still wanted to do his due diligence, but it was clear that he's really not interested. He does, however, have a stack of new medical bills from his accident and he's losing revenue since he can't perform surgery. Maybe he'll change his mind ;-). I thanked him for his kindness, his honesty, and read to him his statement of service from his website. He thanked me for that since he hasn't read it in a long, long time. Fall is a better time to talk to him when family activities slow down. I sent him a follow-up email with current info on the solar oven factory project, and so he'd have the information more handy in his inbox.

Http:// You'll need ID 25925 to participate.

I had a few conversations with folks I was hopeful in gaining permission to share more, but no. I sent out follow-up emails and gave more follow-up calls. No news is good news.

I remembered today I have contact information for the fundraising person at my credit union. I'm going to find her number (in a stack of papers) and give her a call.

I have healing clients the next few days and hope to keep an even footing in gaining new contacts, and in my follow-ups. I still have a stack of Miracle Team Leads that are begging for my contact after our interviews ;-).

I wish you all a wonderful night's rest, and a powerful end to your week. I'll see you bright and shiny early on Live Chat tomorrow.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Day 9 ----What a Day!

Booted up my s-l-o-w machine at 6:45 to get on Live Chat at 7:00 to join Nita. Near the end of my shift, we lost computer access and the numbers in the Chat system dropped and dropped. I'd never seen it so low. Then, got an IM from Nita saying that Owen alerted everyone that our systems were down. It's a rare event, and one you would expect to take awhile to get back up.

Nope. Not here. Our team is incredible. Within a very short amount of time (I'm guessing less than 15 minutes, but Owen knows), our systems were back up and running! Whoo-hoooo! Go, Team, Go! Owen, your team is incredible. Thank you! It's likely hardly anyone even noticed the issue.

We've got a company that addresses issues head on and Ginny is right up front with us. For better or worse, we use technology in our daily lives; it invariably will fail us.

The key for us to remember is having a positive attitude and looking for the best, remembering all the good that has come before the bad moment; and the good that follows a challenging moment.

As Ginny says, "Take lemons and make lemonade." (This week, I have a new appreciation for Ginny's analogy as my lemonades are really, really good!)

And also remember that it is with our patience and our acceptance of the situations we are given that will bring us through favorably.

Big Z got off to camp in fine fiddle, albeit a little sleepy from being up so late last night ;-). Hogwart's is a success and he's having a wonderful time.

I stuck to task and made a follow-up call to a young college graduate who was scheduled to view the World Changer. We connected and he wanted some additional info, so I sent it in an email and we'll talk again.

I followed up with a local contact at our appointed time; she was out, left a message with a person at the number.

I followed up with 15 local leads. My stack of leads is getting so big, I created a folder for them and organized them better. I did research on my doctor contact and by the looks of his practice, he is still working in his office in spite of his injured arm.

I had a connect with a wrong number that became a lead which led to a partial interview until her child fell down and we were disconnected. I tried her later and left a VM. I got other connects and folks haven't looked at info yet, and I left a number of voice mails.

I have a few folks that are only in after the work day, and I can see connecting with them may take a little dancing. Such as my guy from the dealership; we connected at appointed time, but we agreed on a little longer as he was tied up. When I called, I got his VM, but I trust we will connect another evening. He sounded engaging.

I followed up on a new member as promised since we were disconnected yesterday during our initial training.

I called my recent Reconnective Healing clients to check in with them.

I made follow-up calls to 26 CEM leads from Calling System testing time and was thrilled to get quite a few connects and a partial interview (her phone battery gave out) and a number of folks who loved the idea of getting paid to shop!

I followed up with 8 Miracle Team leads, called a friend I'm wanting to introduce to MPM, had a few conversations with MPM members.

Lastly, Big Z and I got out for a bike ride and some errands. We met a particularly interesting fellow at the grocery store. That conversation lasted 2 hours beginning at check out (More lemons; they are the excuse to shop these days!). His niece, age 12, goes around her community collecting toiletries for the homeless in AZ. She became Princess of the City and began by collecting soap and her charitable enterprise has grown. I can't wait to know more about this young woman. He's an inventor, a healer of sorts, and he even had on a fund-raising t-shirt for a local real estate company. He is excited to see about the solar ovens (how they are put together) and he has created a device that can pull water out of the air, purify it, and have it potable by morning.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Day 8 ----Monday Week 2

Hi Everyone!!!

Today's been a non-stop kind of day, full of many short visits along the way that began with our Miracle Team Coaching Call. It was positively lovely to hear Susan Huffstutler coaching us along until Jacki made it back on the line. Go, Susan, Go! Thank you!

Big Z had a big day out at our community college for his first official Hogwart's School. He's now on his bed reading Book 7, after active play with the neighbors.

It was wonderful to help a customer on Live Chat, and to have many short visits throughout the day, along with a few longer visits with folks when dialing Miracle Team leads. I made 35 follow-up calls to the leads and it was wonderful to make connects and have interviews.

I also made follow-up calls to local Miracle Team contacts.

Sent many e-cards to both sets of folks.

Made calls to new contacts.

The best call of the day:

To "D" who works at the local Chevrolet dealer as promised last night.

I called and got the operator. I asked for his extension and was asked for his name. I gave it and she hesitated, but then said his initial. I said, "Yes!"

So we got on the line. I told him there were a few reasons for my contact today.

First, I commended him upon his sale's letter to me back in May. I kept it because it impressed me (and I knew one day I would give him a call about Together We Can Change The World --- ran across his info this weekend while looking for something else, so I kept it out). I let him know that I never went to the dealership to purchase a car, but that I brought in my old truck for service, and, that it was years ago! He impressed me, by going through the records and finding me out of all those people who've been in. He kindly and appreciatively said thank you.

Secondly, I told him why I saved his letter because I knew I would talk to him about our company at some point. I said, "The Time is Now. I am with a local company called Together We Can Change The World and we're in a Miracle Team Boot Camp right now and we're getting the word out about our funding division of the company." I added that he was the kind of person I was looking to partner with. I also said we are having a fund-raising program to begin a solar oven factory in Uganda, telling some about it, and added, "I realize you are at work right now, so would you mind if I sent you an email that gave you the information, and we set up another time that I can answer any questions you have?"

He said, "Sure. I want you to contact me."

He gave me his home email and his cell number. We set up a time to visit tomorrow when he gets off work so that I may address his questions and hear his ideas about our company. Mind you, he's working 0800 to 2000--- that's from 8AM to 8PM. That's a LONG day. He doesn't even get to go away for lunch. I'm looking forward to visiting with him tomorrow!

I had an especially good follow-up call this evening after family chat with a high school friend who first saw TWCCTW in February. It was a marathon call, and I took her to the World Changer Presentation and the Solar Oven Factory website. As she's worked all day, she is going to spend some more time on it on her own, and then get back to me with questions. It was good to visit with her. She's always had wonderful energy. Her twins are now in college, and her youngest almost 13. She loved the solar oven project ;-).

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Day 7 --------Sunday, Week 1 Complete

Howdy, Everyone!

Today I spent some time looking around for local events. I'd missed one that would have been particularly fun this weekend; the other was a bit too far to travel.

Big Z rejoined me and he enjoyed reading and playing with our neighbor friends. We made one visit out to get supplies and although we spoke to a few people, I did not hand out any cards.

I showed Big Z the flyer for the Solar Ovens.

I created e-card after e-card and tailored them special to each person that I promised would get one this week, but that somehow it didn't happen! Many of them would've been good to create yesterday ----however, due to the length of time it took, it's better than I made all those follow-up calls! My goal is to ensure I get them out each day. I did have this success this week, and I patted myself on the back when I went back through my lists to double-check.

We watched a good movie while I was creating the e-cards. Ginny, if you haven't seen it yet, I think you would like its message: "True wealth is found in the heart of the real hero." The movie was called, "The Butter Cream Gang in Secret of Treasure Mountain". We saw it at the Children's Library last week.

Week 2 begins in just a few short hours . . .

I have a local contact I'm going to reverse solicit. He sent me a letter in May and I kept it for this very reason. It's from an auto salesperson telling me that "my previous salesperson has moved on to other endeavors. It is always sad when we lose a teammate. We always wish our previous colleges well when they move on."

I never had a salesperson. However, I did take my big truck to this shop for work many years, and years ago. I will call him and send him an email. I believe in team work. Therefore, this gentleman might be just the person to be on Big Z and my team.

I also have a busy day of customer service and coaching calls, and our Family Chat. In between, I hope to follow-up with local leads and my Miracle Team leads. I also have a special project that will take priority over getting local leads, however, I will attempt to get them as well. I will be calling a small list of NPO's and helping them get started with My Power Mall.

Wishing you all a fitful night of rest, and a sprint out the gates, one week closer to achieving your goals and dream ;-).

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Day 6 ---- Saturday

Aaah, what a great day it was today!

Sunshine, a breeze that didn't get too cold for my California blood, good work, quiet time, catch-up time, and a massage ;-).

Today I cashed in the new Grocery Certificate and Merchandise Certificate thanks to the efforts of our adept Director of Mall Promotions, Shawn. I copied the information, along with the Solar Oven Factory flyer, to disk and went to the copy store. The young man had heard something about solar ovens recently. He thought it was NPR. I told him about it and he said, "That's really cool." He didn't want me to take his info, but he did want a card!

Nabbed 2 1/2 gals at the video store. The young woman I was hoping to see last week was in. Just happened her room mate was there as well. Each gave their contact information. Another co-worker came in on it and she was hesitant. She took a card, and I figure, she'll jump on the bandwagon somehow. After all, I left a flyer of the Solar Oven Factory Project with the store so they can help get word out. I added our Foundation Mall Number, 25925, to the flyer, along with our website address that corresponds to it:

I had a follow-up call with a Miracle Team lead from last week and her speakers weren't working so we opted to check in later. She hoped to get to the library.

I made 24 follow-up calls and still have follow-ups. Add a coupla hundred leads on top of a coupla hundred leads and you have a funnel that brings people to our Together We Can Change The World Funding Division, My Power Mall, where they can make an intelligent decision if our business is a match for helping them achieve their goals and their dreams.

The beauty about being human is we have choice, desire, individuality and we are all the same, but we are all different. Therefore, though we have an amazing incentive with the Gasoline and Grocery Certificates ($600 a year back to you!), however, we must all realize that it would be unnatural for everyone to say Yes to us. That said, however, there are plenty of people in the world Together We Can Change The World is FOR, and factoring in the 80/20 rule, we are looking for the 20% of the population who are a match with our company, our heart, our vision. You see, it's the people who want to make a difference in the world, in their lives, in the lives of those they love, that will be attracted to our company.

Since I was working with leads, I dug through some of my never contacted local leads and dusted them off. It's time they hear about Together We Can Change The World!

I took a flyer to the LMP that gave me my massage. He'd had quite a day of massage, and play at the lake with his children and friends, so he wasn't much able to internalize the Solar Oven Factory Fund-Raising Project . . . Depending on how things go before he leaves on a summer adventure with his family, I may reintroduce it to him another day.

To follow-up:

Thank you, Brenda. I used my little notepad that Big Z and I purchased for the original boot camp and placed NAME, EMAIL, PHONE, and BEST TIME TO CALL on each page. You know, I used it yesterday and today, and it worked like a charm! People fill it out! So, thank you for reminding me of this.

Thank you, GinnyD. I'm looking forward to the top of the mountain, but I betcha that lake is pretty wonderful, too, especially with the warmer (finally) days we've been having. I want you to know that your message earlier gave me the fuel, in the form of excited energy, to get out there this afternoon after working leads and catching up all day --- I appreciate that you're checking in frequently with the Boot Campers. Hugs to Bogey! ;-)

Eleanor~~ Big thanks. You are a magnificent influence and inspiration in our company. I'm glad you're following along, and cheering everyone, too!

Lisa, it's been a pleasure to get to spend time with you this week, and get on out there, out of our comfort zones ;-). Big Z has enjoyed it, too. I think it's been good for him to see that someone else is out there doing it besides us. Yes, he hears about it, but to actually see, touch and feel it "live" is wonderful for him. Thank you for your cheers. And, next time we go, I'll be much more energetic than last week . . .

Tina-- You rock! The post you left earlier today (was it today or last night?) was incredible. You live, eat and breath TWCCTW and I'm glad you can now share more of your enthusiasm with the company through the Miracle Boot Camp, and with the world.

Jacki, Pal. Thank you for being there day in and day out for your family, and for TWCCTW, and for the MS Society, and for each one of us who Boot Camp publicly, and for each one of us that Boot Camp privately ---- Your ability to keep going and going like the energizer bunny is just positively amazing. Yeah, you mighta been nuts for getting this Miracle Boot Camp going with a whole new team after TWCCTW Miracle Team Leads --- but hey! You're driven, and your drive is assisting everyone in furthering the mission and vision of our company, one person, one business at a time. You're competitive, and that must be the only way you keep after it like you do.

Shannon . . . I'm so glad you're now out of the background and into the foreground where I can see and know about you. It's been great to meet you through the lead calling and TWCCTW Miracle Team. We haven't gotten to connect in a bit, but I know you're there silently cheering me as I am cheering you. Thank you! Hope your Mom is feeling better today.

Sandy I thank you for being a Dear and posting to our blog. I can say it's caused me to smile much and I appreciate it all the more knowing you're back to work, and still have so much in your life that's unsettled. AND, you're continuing to grow your business with the Miracle Team leads. Your strength is amazing.

Tom . . . Thank you, for being you. And, thank you to you and Laura (and Edy) for taking the reigns to plan, prepare and present the first Regional Event for our company.

Phillip. It's been an absolute pleasure to be in such close contact through the TWCCTW Miracle Team and to now be on a Boot Camp team with you. Your perseverance is commendable; your humor, contagious; your thoughtfulness is so appreciated. What is so amazing to me, and I told you this the other day, is how, in your small, small town, where you thought you'd find zero contacts, you're finding 5 a day! Wonderful! Keep it up 'cause you're showing us how it's done!

I'm so glad you are walking with your own light and dream carrying you, GinnyJ. It's important to be able to follow your bliss even while in relationship. It's really special to share TWCCTW with my son; you are going to have a blast with Ashleigh!

Susan Huffstutler, our administrative mastermind extraordinaire, behind the scenes and holding us all together ---Thank you for your tireless commitment to sending leads, capturing numbers, writing emails, being on calls, and for collecting reports and reading blogs! You're wonderful!

Big Z, Mama loves you. Without you we would not be here today! ;-) You're doing GREAT getting out there again and handing out your cards. One day, you'll thank Mama for working so hard now --- we WILL have time AND vacations together-- you get to pick where we go, at least once ;-). Buh, buh. Buh, buh. Hee, hee.

And of course, a thank you goes to every single person on the Management Team. To reiterate what I said to Big Z, we would not be here today, flying on the coat-tails of an amazing vision of Together We Can Change The World, without EACH OF YOU. Thank you for making it possible for us to help ourselves, which makes it possible for us to help others. Ya'll ROCK!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Day 5 ----It's Friday and a GREAT Day

The boys, believe it or not, were up at Dawn. I felt like I'd just gotten to sleep, so I camped in dreamland to the sounds of the birds that nest above my window under the roof's eve (well, actually the attic-- they found their way in, along with wasps and hornets), the sounds of Big Z and his friend talking quietly while strategies for the best deck of Pokemon cards were crafted and created for the big game. They happily played all day and it was so delightful to have them so satisfied with each other.

We hoped to pick berries, but time seemed to fly, so instead, we walked to the post office and the store for berries so the boys could have some ice cream and berries as their treat after lunch. No hits at the USPS, but the market, well, we SCORED.

The checker had some cards lined up at her register, so I asked her what they were. She explained they helped customers save money on gas, and that her last gasoline price, per gallon, was a dollar-thirty-something. I pulled out our sample voucher and said, "Do you think your savings amounts to about $300 a year, or more?" Thus started a great little visit with the young man in front of us and her. We got her name, email and phone number and she was glad to get her info and know we'd show her how to get even more money back. We've sent her an e-card.

Speaking of e-cards, we've sent a number of them. We're using the e-cards in our back office and loving them. I'd like to make a request for an e-card that features the Combo Certificate. This would be great to use at this time.

Today followed up with Miracle Team leads and made new calls to more leads, a total of 17 calls. Didn't reach anyone new, but did connect with some of our follow-ups and had a lovely visit with a woman who is recently disabled, but is an Entrepreneur at heart; and, she has a Together We Can Change The World Heart. We'll visit tomorrow to answer any questions she has and help get her started.

Spent time reading the exciting news in our Update from Ginny. I love the Solar Oven Initiative. Played with the .pdf flyer, but had some troubles downloading it, so will get after that again tomorrow.

This evening, Big Z rejoined his Dad, and after he left I was a bit torn with where to place my energies. My efforts today were telling me to keep after it with my follow-ups and get squared away with my emails that have taken more of a backseat to the week than I'd like. But, I also felt the nudge to get on out there and see what this Girl could do now that my energy is coming back!

So, I mentally made my list and "went to town" to claim my lost butter from a shopping trip last week that didn't make it into my bags. While there, I had a lot of fun, sniffing dish-soap, sniffing deodorants with an East Indian woman who is embarking on a month long journey to India with her family next week, and though I handed out cards and had a few no's, I hit another bit of GOLD on my way out of the store.

This young woman was super cool and friendly and got her info and though she said email is best, I sure look forward to talking with her again before she and her husband move south to California so that her husband can begin his four-year Seminary Program. He has a dream to come back to our town and create a counseling/recovery program where someone "really cares for the client". I shared with her that Ginny loves to seed ventures, and to remember this as she views the World Changer video.

Since I had the clever opening with the woman at the grocery store this a.m. I decided to try the same brand store and duplicate my experience. So, what did I buy? LEMONS, but of course! (sorry, Jacki, just have to put that one in there! lol)

I wandered the aisles after getting my lemons and the store was empty except for those checking out. So, I worked my way back to the counter, meandering on my way, and thought I may not hit pay-dirt upon first glance at my fellow shoppers in line.

However, a gentleman came around the corner and seemed to be getting in line, but in case he wasn't, I moved my portion of the snake-shape line over so he could get by. He got in line. He's recently relocated to our town, getting settled, he's a musician and my opener was, "You buying boxes, too?" (He had short-lipped boxes to keep is papers better organized.) Well, in the end, our conversation ran the gamut, but I focused on Ginny's Musi-Con that's upcoming so that his passion of music was sparked. He's done fundraising through his music before, so I'm sending him the direct link to the Together We Can Change The World Song and told him the history of the song's creation.


You haven't heard it yet. Oh, you must. It will touch your heart strings and fill you up with joy and inspiration. Take a few minutes and treat yourself. Have a listen now:

Got his info and headed to the car . . . getting close to report time, so I made one more stop to get some contact lens solution from Walgreen's, and while I was at it, to scope out the pharmacy. It was pretty short of folks, too, so I finally just asked the young man at the counter, "Would you mind? I'm with a company called Together We Can Change The World and we're in a Miracle Team Boot Camp. It's late and I need to have my report in by 9, but I don't have all my contacts yet. Would you mind to be my last contact of the day? I'd really appreciate it."

He replied, "Sure. I would." So finally got his info after a few customer exchanges and in the process learned he has a niece he's fond of . . . and told him a bit more about certificates, etc. Raced home and got my report in and it felt good.

I did it! AND was productive! What a difference it makes when you are rested and have energy--- when you are healthy!

I bid you all a great night, and I congratulate each and every one of you for your successes this week. You deserve a huge hug and a rest.

That said, however, I'm going to encourage you, that after you rest, you keep after it. Our Boot Camp is ONLY 3 More weeks . . .

It takes 21 or 28 days to create a new habit (I've read both numbers from Masters of Success, so you pick the time frame that works for you), and therefore, this Boot Camp is just long enough to help cement this new way of being in your life, in your thoughts, in your cells, in your daily routine.

Make your weekends count, too!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Day 4 ----- A Lovely Day

Today was a lovely day, at least after I woke up and got my engines fired. It took a bit of time, but by golly, by this afternoon, I was feeling great. From here, my body oughta be great. This lemonade will kick in an viola! Vibrant and alert I be. Though Jacki asks that I refrain from details, I must tell you the concoction. I know you're curious:

2 TBSP fresh squeezed lemon
2 TBSP genuine grade b (c if you ever find it) maple syrup
1/10 tsp. cayenne pepper (or to taste)
water, medium hot, at least 10 oz

This is a great drink any ole time, and tastes great hot on cold days, and cool on hot days. Now, Ginny will tell ya I ruin the drink by adding cayenne, but hey! It's a cleanse!

Got right on Live Chat for our Customer Service department for a few hours. Big Z slept all the way through it! Nita, our Director of Customer Service, envies him a lot, getting to sleep in during the summer months ;-).

I had a phone visit and IM session with Lisa. I knew I had a lot of follow-ups to tend to and that I wanted Big Z to have his play time with his friend, which included a sleep-over, so I thought it best to fly solo today.

I made e-cards and mailed them; made follow-up calls, to both my new local folks and to my Miracle Team leads that have been in the works for weeks. It felt like a very productive day.

Interestingly, these last few days, after having gotten into such a good rhythm working leads, I found that I did not feel as productive the previous three days this week. I like feeling and being productive . . .

By being on the Lead Calling Team and the Miracle Team, it was a great opportunity to continue to refine my skills in keeping track of what it is I do in a day. I've mentioned on calls that I have a notepad and I keep track (to the best of my ability) what I'm doing minute-to-minute, so that as I look back on my day, I can really "see my efforts". As you know, there are days you put your efforts and actions forth, but you don't see results. I like to see results.

We got out to do a few errands and met people. We met our neighbors who just returned from a trip and gave them their mail and packages. We reintroduced them to taking a serious look at our business. After all, they are ordering online, they shop at Costco, and they buy groceries and gasoline. They can benefit from the certificates you get when you sign up as a World Changer.

We found no one at the post office, which was really surprising. The heat must have driven people to find a place cool. Guess these NW folks haven't talked to Shannon and Phillip, my fellow Miracle Team Boot Campers. I think they would tell you our heat is surely not their heat!

We went to the market for food stuffs for the boys' sleepover and there were more people there. We met a young mother with a baby who was widely alert and her little toddler crashed out in the cart. A beautiful conversation yielding nothing more.

We met another Mom with two boys; her own and her nephew. We asked if she got paid to shop and voila! She didn't! She was incredulous, so we told her how she could, too. We got her contact info and Big Z gave her his card. She asked him about his business and what happens and he was a bit shy, so it was good to have him have practice articulating his profession ;-).

We went downtown and I treated Big Z to an ice cream, something every Mom should do at least once during the summer! We met a lovely elder woman there, and even spoke about Big Z's business, TWCCTW and such, and more, but ended up she had to hustle to the bus. I will look for her again another day!

We called a woman that works at our credit union and another friend and left some voice messages to connect with folks. Had a connect with an old contact and this was good.

"The Gold is in the Follow-ups." I would add, "The JOY is in the follow-ups!" It's funny how when you are creating rapport with a person, getting to know them and becoming a part of your life as you become a part of theirs, I find that sometimes when I get their voice mail, just hearing their voice and remembering their story brings me a smile. I generally come to care about these people, for all of our lives are filled with myriad struggles and successes. It's truly a JOY to follow-up!

My follow-ups ran the gamut from leaving VM, leaving messages with a person, or having a connect which led to re-setting a time to talk; and then, the connect that led to more. Two follow-ups were especially good.

A single Mom with two young children and I visited. She is going to sign up with a Business Mall, but she has her eye set on the World Changer mall. She is so touched and happy to have a connection with a person instead of just email or Internet. It helps her feel trust and she is glad too.

Another woman who is working towards creating a means to provide support, training, housing, and all sorts of other skills really was glad to hear about the Solar Oven project and it was fun to have her ask, "How much do they need to get it started?" When she learned it was such a small amount she said, "I need to know the full amount." I asked her why because I thought it pretty curious to want to know. She replied, "I know people who have that kind of money to give to a project like that!" I didn't bat an eye because this woman has been there, done it and is an amazing testament to the will of the human spirit.

I told her, "At one time (before x, y, z happened) you are ready to become a World Changer. The key is to get that started for yourself, and then, you can learn more about us, and this program, and be able to take it to the people you're thinking of and sell them certificates and also support yourself in the process." She said she wasn't thinking of her. I gently reminded her, " You may not be thinking of you, but you have a vision, you have a dream. You've just purchased the home that you're going to be launching that dream into reality. You may not need the money, but your vision does!"

The message here is this: The JOY is in the follow-up! lol
No, the message is this: Timing is everything in a person's life. What's no today may not be no another day.

I'm sending this woman the website link again, the info on the solar oven project and the break down of costs associated with getting started and taking advantage of the certificate program as a World Changer.

Big Z and his friend are having a famous time. Pokemon, Pokemon, Pokemon! Now, it's Legos. Their pallet is laid out on the floor and bedtime is NOW!

Sleep tight everyone!

I thank you again, and again for your sweet and supportive comments. I do appreciate them very much. You enrich my life!

Oh, and, Ginny. You're right. Yesterday I almost busted into a salon after leaving the restaurant . . . and Lisa and I have been talking about it. I have a bit of preparation to do first, but by the end of this Boot Camp, you can be sure I will have walked into a business with the intention to speak to the manager or the owner. After all, Lisa's contact with the lovely woman we met yesterday is testament they are kind, smart, engaging, and still engaging with life (we both trust she passed her written tests to receive her cosmetology license!).

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Day 3 --- An adventure that lasted and lasted ;-)

Morning came early for our check-in call after heading to bed early . . . Big Z slept while I was on the line listening to each and every story of our lives . . . and I am touched by the whys of our team. We are the first to benefit from the amazing power of My Power Mall as we move forward with the intention of helping everyone benefit from Together We Can Change The World.

How lovely and nourishing it is to read the comments to our blog, and to the blogs of our Miracle Team Boot Campers. Thank you, each one of you. I really do appreciate your encouragement, support, and taking the time to place your words upon the blog page. It means a lot. I thank you, again, and know that my thanks typed on this machine to not reach the depth of my feeling.

To imagine the challenge of getting 5 --- why . . . it's perplexed me. I realized after our outing last night, that I like to establish a relationship with someone and that doesn't always lead to a conversation about business, or jobs, etc.

So we got Big Z up and Lisa and I spoke about meeting time. I gave Z breakfast and asked him to hustle, for Lisa and I were on a mission to get out earlier today. I shared with Lisa about sending an e-card note after we meet someone and walked her through how to do that.

We met Lisa and walked across the street for a trip to the grocery store we ended at last night to see if we could catch more people. We felt a little odd, even though we had our shopping basket handy and we had an item to purchase in mind . . .

We happened quite unexpectedly on a woman who had a cart overloaded and I gasped and the approach happened quite naturally. It was good. We met Esther who was out being paid to shop for two elder-homes and she was amazed she could get paid again with the certificates. We had a nice visit with her and she wanted to know more. We got her phone and she doesn't have email or a computer. But she said, "I have kids. They have computers. I'll watch it there and get my daughter's email address." I'll call her tomorrow since her day was to be very busy. She let me know the number I have will answer to the establishment she works at because this is also her home.

After this, one would think we'd be fired up and unstoppable. Quite the opposite happened. I was already feeling tired and Big Z was seeming it as well . . . And Lisa picked up my basket and so I had nothing in my hands ! We wondered the aisle and eventually I saw an employee looking at the three of us like he was making sure we were on the up and up. From there, I was really uncomfortable about being there making the 'rounds . . . and they didn't have the item I'd intended to purchase! We kept going however, and we helped a woman find the Ensure. We met a Grandma by the ice cream with her granddaughter, hoping to find the best flavor.

Our visit didn't yield results. We decided to head to the sun, outdoors and along the water again, hoping to find many sun-seekers and playful beings on the bay shores. On our way out, we visited with the woman who was "sentry" at the child area . . . but didn't seem to be an opening. Met another woman in the facilities, and though we had a pleasant exchange, it was just "done" as we made it back to the store.

So off we went out into the sun, walked back to the car a block away, and then toward the bay via downtown. We scoped out a potential "hot spot" but opted for a different day. As we left, we discussed the power of going out and socializing when you have funds in your pocket to buy tea, ice cream, scones, snacks, something that allows you to relax just like everyone else. We agreed we would love to have "roaming funds" as we trek about town . . . Socializing then, for me, sometimes becomes all about food! MmMmM.

So, to the beach we went . . . We had a lovely stroll down the trail to the water and I was surprised to find . . . GREEN GRASS almost empty of folks! ??? Amazing. It was after Noon and a warm day already. Thought THIS was the place to BE!

Well, we got down there and wandered the area, hoping for a chance meeting with folks as they sat quite a large distance from each other. You see, in my mind, the place would be covered in groups, so many that you couldn't help but "bump into each other". This was not the way it was pictured in my mind . . .

Satellites. Space. Distance. Small targets . . .

We had a few conversations, but never had a lengthy opportunity to visit. Got near the toys, finally, and saw it a bit more dense with folks and a guy was playing his guitar, tunes rolling gently to the ear . . . a Mom playing with her toddler, an opportunity to be in closer proximity to others . . . So we stopped and got out Z's tennis balls to have an "activity" like everyone else. Big Z learned the initial stages of team juggling and taught me a few moves the other day. We began with Lisa taking lessons first while I kept my eye out for contacts.

One family came near, but Nada. No takers. The Mom took her toddler away and we were left to play. Satellites. Space. Distance. Small targets. Eventually, after my turn to juggle and Lisa's turn to "keep watch" we decided to get to Costco since Carlos came up with a list of "must haves".

We headed back to the car and found a few more conversations, one that was pretty good for the most part, however, not all contact info was gleaned. This all came on because of Big Z setting his sights on the shade under a big rock. He didn't care that it was right next to a couple sunning themselves (they were there as we walked by them earlier). We wondered over after Big Z and I apologized for his interruption. The gal was cool, though, and said she didn't mind. So we visited about her college, his graduation, his trade, where she grew up, a trip I took, paying for college, MPM and TWCCTW, etc. We had our first dual-shared info as I asked Lisa to get her card and Z to get his . . . Lisa spoke to her and was unable to get her email, and the guy gave the girl his card. So, I told her that Lisa supports a Foundation and Big Z supports a Foundation for TWCCTW -- different addresses, but they go to the same place. Afterward, I spoke to Lisa and cleared with her my slip of inviting Z to hand out his card as well. I spoke too quickly and want to keep our sharing of people an even exchange.

We hiked the hill and got back near the car and met a woman in the shade in her big SUV and she looked at us so we commented on her finding a good spot for lunch. She told us why she was there and we had a lovely visit. Amazing in fact. Lisa has her info and we find out she's in school, taking tests to be a cosmetologist, her life dream. Her husband is supportive and is back running their business. WHAT? Yep, they've had a biz in town for 21 years. I got goose-bumps and was so inspired by this woman. Spoke of Fireflies for the Heart and Someone Believes in You and told her she could be one of the stories, and if Ginny were there . . . Well, she said, "When I meet Ginny, she can write my story!" Lisa has an amazing contact and I cannot WAIT to see what happens.

Lisa, thankfully, reminds me that Big Z has piano!!! Eeeek! Totally spaced that one, so we came by the house, got his music and I made a quick snack for Lisa and Big Z. By the time we got to Costco, alas, it was piano time. I think we were both a bit bummed since we only had one firm contact, some conversations, and a few cards handed out . . . and I haven't been in Costco for ages ! Carlos was on his way to meet up with Lisa, so we said "Bye" and off we went to piano.

Big Z had his lesson for the first time without me. I thought if I sat in a chair, I'd not get up again, so, off I went across the street to explore an Asian market that I'd never been in. While there I was surprised to learn it had a restaurant I never knew about. I visited with one employee, but didn't get the sense she was interested in more than pleasantries. The one I really wanted to talk with was the woman at the restaurant.

I had to get to Big Z, since he was going to give me a little concert. I spoke with the woman who owns the establishment and learned her business is doing pretty well considering the situation facing many now, and, that she was placing orders to be ready for Fall. That was all she wrote before the concert. Big Z's piece was great!

We left and went to the car, meeting a Mom, son, and daughter on their way to her son's class. We got to talk with Mom and daugther, got their names, but they were off to a mad-dash errand. So, I took Z to the Asian store to look around, we bought some flavored seaweed snacks, and then went to explore the restaurant.

We found the woman I wanted to talk with and learned she'd worked there for years. We both recognize each other, from where we don't know. She said Big Z looks familiar, too, had we ever eaten there. A long exchange ensued which was interrupted a few times as customers needed orders or came in for an order . . .

The best question I've gotten in days was after she'd helped someone and she came back to the counter and asked, "So where have you worked? Maybe I've seen you there."

This lead to my telling her that usually my hair is very long, and it would be strange if she could still find familiarity about me; and that I do Reconnective Healing work; and that my son and I work together in his business, and about Together We Can Change The World Day and its purpose, and how my hair became short since I donated it to Locks of Love. She has a cousin with alopecia areata and said, "It's true! She can't grow hair."

We placed an order for egg rolls, connected on the RH level and I showed her how it works. She asked my fees, and then we had more customers and by then, it was time to go. You could see she was feeling a bit as if she weren't keeping up. We will go back to visit, though.

Came home to recoup and assess our next steps. A few minutes after we got in, Lisa and Carlos stopped by. We visited and I progressively got more tired, and instinctively knew I was in no shape to drive my car or get on a bike any longer . . . I'm too tired and I wondered how on earth to meet my commitment of 5 contacts when I had only 1 . . .

When Lisa and Carlos left, I mustered energy to get Big Z's dinner and get the phone to my ear. I called and left a VM for the Pink Flamingo woman, and told her I had an idea about her new book. I also asked her for a time we can speak about TWCCTW because clearly she and her gals have this kind of heart. I also added that I realized that since the Relay 4 Life was happening, she and those Flamingos were likely pretty booked up. But, if she could call or email about when is good to connect, that it would be great.

I made a few calls but still had only 1 lead. Hmmm. What do I do? It was late by now and so I checked to see if I had any west coast leads. Nope. I checked my files for folks and found some people to call. Thankfully, I've kept records. I gave a call and to two folks and was glad for 2 more contacts.

I called 2 more contacts from last night to follow-up. I got three wrong numbers. All three were from the fellas with the Rottweilers. Guess we can say our pleasant conversation was exactly that!

I have no excuses; only growth. Only curiosity. Only observation. I do know my fatigue got to me today. I realize that my beginning of Miracle Team Boot Camp is not a "fresh start" but instead an extension of a long series of days that have become months. I realize I haven't given myself much time for renewal and I am hearing my message with Jacki in one ear and a visual of Ginny in my eye --- Taking care of self is important and I've been pushing, pushing, pushing.

I do know that I wasn't as comfortable in the store and felt more comfortable outside. I find I must have an activity, a reason, something for connecting with others ---to have the common activity or situation that provides gel for a conversation; to invade on the personal space of others when they are clearly showing they'd like privacy is just not an option.

I learned again, for it came up during the Miracle Team leads, that I'm unwilling to step over the bounds with a youth who is still under their parents roof and introduce MPM without their parent to agree. I can hand out a card, but to get their contact information feels like a no-no. So, going through an organization, such as Jacki recommended with the Boys and Girls Clubs or similar program, is one way to have "permission given" to speak to youth about this opportunity.

Though we have a big town, it sure felt small today! I have to say I like calling a lead who has asked for information and get to know them and their reason for asking. Still need to find an approach that works for me no matter what the situation ;-).

Day 2 ---- Evening Update

What a wonderful and busy day it has been, and beautiful, too. The sun and warmth came back after thunderstorms cooled us down a bit ;-).

Today began with Live Chat out the gate, and that was followed by calls to a lead, and followed by calls to folks I met yesterday. Also had a new member in another sponsor mall and so called and gave a welcome VM.

My first lead was a great interview for the Miracle Team . . .

I followed up with my other contacts.

I called my Mom and checked in with her. She got my email, listened to Ginny and wasn't able to go further. I asked her to think about who she knows, and she asked me a bit more about the certificates and what it costs to be a member.

I called my brother and spoke with him for quite awhile. He's looked at programs I've done before, and so, he's willing to support, but he's also pretty skeptical and wary ;-). We talked about the video. He watched it. I asked if he knew of anyone that could benefit from our Together We Can Change The World Stimulus plan, and he said, "Well. I'm not sure. It sounds just a little bit too good to be true." I asked him what point? So we worked through details of certificate program vs. the payment plan and rebates for shopping. I was appreciative he watched the video, and told him how important those certificates are to us having been on a very limited income for many, many months now. Having an extra $25 (or $50) back into our pocket a month is powerful . . . Our conversation turned to the struggling California economy, IOUs and how secure he and his wife's jobs might be, future planning, and wondering what may happen. We talked about REI and it being on the mall, and about the three affiliate networks, bicycling, exercise, and how his video game that he was playing may just be something he could get on the mall and family. And, yes. It was a bit of a mish-mash! I don't know that he'll look further, but he has a better understanding about what are involved with and how we are sharing it with others.

I sent an e-card welcome to our new member (non-Miracle Team Boot Camp) and the follow-up email to our interview earlier with the lead from Miracle Team.

When the time came and tasks completed, we hopped on our bikes and headed to the library.
We locked up our bikes and went into the library. I scanned the scene for folks to talk with and all folks were either absorbed in their books or a parent was quietly reading to their child. I got the feeling it wasn't the place . . .

So we wandered the few aisles and since I told Big Z Harry Potter's book 7 was out in paper back today, he had HP on his brain. We looked for fiction and the row and found a young woman in the aisle. We passed her and she looked up curiously. She had a book in her hand and a stack of books to the side, so I asked her, "What is your favorite book to read these days? It's been a long while since I've read these books." She shrugged and so I asked if the books set to the side were hers. They were. I asked permission to look at the titles and she was okay with it.

As I engaged her, she wasn't so engaged. She kept to her book and so we left her go.

We hopped on our bikes after finding a mom and daughter in the middle of the lawn reading, all too cozy like for interruption, and I just wasn't comfortable going to ask the few other people that were on the side-walks. Well, we tried to strike up a conversation with a woman walking her two dogs, but she wasn't about to stop. Another Mom was there, but she was enthralled with her toddler. And the other fellow was a homeless guy that was lacing up his shoes after putting on his socks.

We hustled back home so I could listen to the evening Miracle Team BC call, and made it back even after Big Z had his chain come off on his bike. I was glad to hear the stories . . .

After the call, I went to hug Big Z and see how Harry Potter was coming. He read the whole call. And, I wanted him to know we'd be headed out.

Camper Lisa called and so we made plans for me to go pick her up and head to the sun to meet and greet folks down on the water.

We met quite a few people, but it wasn't all that easy to get our contacts ;-). The info we got didn't always include the required phone, email and name . . . but we practiced our art of getting the word out about TWCCTW and the Economic Stimulus Package, etc.

When we got to the square near the book store to use the restroom first, we noticed the Pink Flamingos were all over the green. We talked about them and I tried to remember what I'd heard about them --- they move to other people's homes; they were once stolen; women get together . . . but that was it. We made our decision to go and talk to them, but alas, they were picking up the flamingos into bags and boxes were being carried off the green.

We got to them just in enough time to get clarification on those Pink Flamingos and why they move about town. They'd just written a book of stories about people's experiences with the Flamingos over the years and were there promoting their book, with 100% of the profits donated to raising money, raising awareness, raising hope for the fight against cancer. Wow! I said, "You're just the kind of people we like to meet!" and began to tell them about who we were and about Together We Could Change The World. We got the business card for one woman; the other said she's on vacation all summer and not checking her email. They said their website had been up; it had been down, but they thought it was back up. Yes, okay to call. I thought the card had all the info, so I gave them our card and found out later it didn't --- no email address after all, and wasn't able to locate web address. What I did find was a link in the local paper:

I've been working so much with leads and the Miracle Team (pre-Boot Camp), I'd not paid attention to our local Relay 4 Life event ---

We thanked the women as they carried their books away and I said I'd call in a day or so.

{Update, found the web address on the back of my card--I wrote it down. Checked it out and it's parked at --- so site isn't up and running yet after all.}

We hit the trail and met our first set of people walking. They looked at us a bit quizzically, but I made a joke about it and it ended up a wonderful conversation ensued. We helped each other along and Lisa got the contact info for a referral.

We met another group of smiling college kids with a take-out box, so we asked them where they'd eaten and was the restaurant tasty? They replied with smiles and they were feeling good. We asked if they got paid to eat there and they replied, "No." We said we found a program where they can get paid to eat out and wondered if they'd like to know how they could get money back. Some of their joy left their faces and they said, "No." So we wished them well.

We saw two nicely dressed men out walking 3 rottweilers, so we talked to them. After we talked about their dogs a bit, we said our friend and CEO of our company has a rott/black lab mix and they agreed, he must be handsome (he is). And, speaking of Ginny, we asked if they would mind if we asked them a question. They didn't mind.

So, it went something like this, " We are with a company called Together We Can Change The World. We're are on a mission to help those in our community with our new economic stimulus program that will help a person save $6oo over the course of a year based upon the shopping they do everyday, on groceries and gasoline. Our larger vision is help fund charitable organizations around the globe through the power of everyday shopping. You seem like the kind of folks that have nice personalities. Do you know of anyone who may benefit from a program like this?"

James said, "No, not off the top of my head" and Jay said, "Maybe Tim".

So I asked James, "Would you mind if I got your contact information, sent you to our website and you watched the video, so that I can call you and see if you thought of anyone else after seeing more information about our company?" He said that would be okay, did I have a card? I said I did and showed him our laminated copy of the Combo Certificate.

We attempted to meet more people and talk with them, and succeeded, but no openings for more. We decided to head back and try a market. Our return yielded a great chance meeting with a woman who had a 4 1/2 month old puppy, an Italian Spinone. Hmm. Never seen one of those! A great story that Lisa can share.

We were off to the market after this and found a father and his son to the side of a parking lot and Dad had his arm in a cast . . . We'd been joking about having a CaSh Cow "shout-out" and this was our chance. We rolled the window down and as we drove by, we asked, "What happened to your arm?" Hmm. A bike wreck on Galbraith left him with 2 surgeries later and a plate in his arm for a few months . . . hmmmm. Not good. Our conversation lasted, and we were wasting fuel, so we asked if he and his son minded if we parked and turned off the car and came back to visit. He said it was okay and had said he loved my car (old Volvo wagon) and joked about the sedan he'd just brought back from the big city for his teen-age daughter who we later learned was away at camp.

We touched upon Volvo, local repair shops, maintenance, trips and close calls, and such. They were awaiting burgers to be cooked and so we kept visiting.

Eventually, as the conversation turned to the Volvo and why he chose it, the idea of "insurance" came up--- safety, reputation, low repair costs, good mileage. So, I asked him, "Since you seem to have bought that Volvo for your daughter as a kind of insurance plan, what kind of insurance plan do you have in place for your daughter and your son for college?"

He looked a big chagrined and didn't really have an answer. So I began to tell him about TWCCTW and what we were doing, how a group in WI had a young woman of 14 years who was wildly growing her college fund; that she was helping other kids her age do the same, with parental assistance along the way; and that's what we're doing for Big Z's college savings as well as to help set him up so that by the time he's my age, he won't have to wonder about struggling to survive. I spoke about our certificates and our larger mission, and asked if he knew anyone who may be able to benefit from our program.

Along the way, we somehow got onto an example of using the certificates for gasoline for his daughter's new car ;-), and how he could get additional rebates on other items such as shoes, clothes, and groceries for his children. He looked at his son and said, "Nah, we don't buy any of that." lol

So I asked if I could get his contact information and Big Z had been standing by with his notepad. We'd talked so long Big Z put it back in his pocket, and when it came time, I asked if Z if he would be so kind as to take David's information down for us. It was lovely to watch Big Z take his name, email address complete with a perfect @ symbol and phone. David was patient, and during this time, we learned he is a podiatrist with a medical facility, and of course, right now, with his hand all broken up, he isn't able to do his work.

I finally asked, "How long for these folks to make those burgers, anyhow?" and he sent his son to fetch the order. I'd never eaten there, and so didn't have a clue, but it sure felt like a good long while ;-).

I thanked David for his time and said we're always looking for someone who can benefit from our program, and that includes local charities, so we'd appreciate anyone he can refer to us.

I shook hands with the young man, and thanked them both for their good visit and time tonight. Told the young man to enjoy his sister's car before she returns, and shook Dad's hand and said we'd call.

Off we went, then, into the market in search of . . .

Not too much happening, or folks were on their cell phones . . . so we though to buy a nibble and at least have a "reason" for being there. We finally ditched the idea in favor of heading to a larger shopping store.

We did, struck up a short conversation with a young man on the bench inside the store. He was tired and easy to talk to but surely didn't want to know how to get paid for buying is favorite ice cream wheels.

Next, caught a young college graduate working in produce. We had a famous good conversation about his field of study, economy and how that may lead him into needing to gain a Master's Degree which would take him out of town, which led to the mind and cells and a great book called, Infinite Mind by Valerie Hunt, etc. In the end, as his boxes were emptied, we lingered a little longer on the mind, quantum physics, my healing work, etc. but it just felt like it wasn't the time to ask him to stay longer to get the question out to him. He then said, "I'd better get back to work" and I agreed we should let him go, but we wished him well and thanked him.

Off to the snack to "pretend" we were really after food, a reason to have a basket in our hands ;-). We found our snack of Ya-Ya's popcorn (it wasn't very good at all . . . I'm spoiled by my own popcorn with the famous Nutiva Extra Virgin Coconut Oil and sea salt on top that I can buy from Vita-Cost on our mall). We then trekked to see who else we could talk to.

We were all feeling a bit tired by now and Big Z accidentally pushed me into the coolers. Lisa helped straighten us up and as I turned, I saw a young and fit man coming towards us who seemed to have a much bigger bounce in his step. So, I said, "You sure look a lot more alert than we feel." And he smiled, said he was pretty tired after working, but was getting some shopping done. As he said this, he pulled his cart to the side, slowed it and leaned to have a conversation.

We visited about his life, that he's a Texan in our town (like how many Miracle Team Boot Campers do we have from Texas!), and had a really pleasant visit. Lisa will tell you more, but he was really easy to talk with, open, friendly, and willing to share, for the most part. He's hoping to get on the police department and wants to keep his contact information safe just in case. But, he was very interested in our company and seemed genuinely interested in checking it out.

By now, we knew we had to get back. We'd already passed our deadline of 9PM PT for our reports, having heard Jacki's voice in our heads: "You do not stop until you get your 5!" But by now, it was after 10 and we were all very tired. So we headed for check-out.

We picked our line, and attempted a meet-up with the woman in front of us. She was cold as a cold fish, so we scouted out and decided to go to the self-serve lines where everyone was congregated to get out of the store (go figure--- stand in line to serve yourself). So we stood there with them, too, and figured we'd have more chance for a conversation. And, we did.

We happened upon, or rather, he happened upon us, a young man with his basket and we joked about everyone being in the hot self-serve check out line. We learned he drove for UPS, hasn't been laid off yet, but he knew my driver, who was cut back on his hours a great deal, and he said he always uses the self-check out. We asked him why as we moved forward and he said it was easy. I started our transaction and said I'm not a good multi-tasker, so Lisa took over and shared the certificate and got his contact info. Big Z and I moved away as the overseer of the shoppers' progress monitored and it seemed like he didn't want anyone pretending they were going to confiscate products before they were paid for. As Lisa rejoined us, I thanked the man and waved to him but he didn't acknowledge it and we left.

Got to the car, called Carlos and came back to my pad to enter our info into our reports, a wee bit after 11.

It's now after 2 a.m. and Big Z fell into bed less than 30 minutes ago after more reading and a snack. We are wiped out . . .

But we are looking forward to another day tomorrow, making follow-up calls and sending an email to our podiatrist Dad and catching up with our folks we shared with yesterday.

Already I feel the crunch of keeping up with leads from Miracle Team . . . we will succeed.

Lisa and I agree, we did good tag-teaming and we shared the conversations and contact info between each other. We did a good job of promoting our local mission of helping people in these tough economic times and funding charities along the way. We didn't do so good with complete contact information. And, we saw that meeting people along the trail while they were actively walking was easy with some; not so easy with others. We will try a more populated part of the beach tomorrow. Working together was easier; Z was a champ; and we also realized we are both people who wish to establish a connection with people and have a real conversation with them, not just be trying to get their contact information, even if we are bearing a gift.

We also had a moment to meet a fellow as we left the first market as he stopped and waited for us to go out the door first. I hesitated and thanked him very much. Lisa said something to him after my comment and then the man followed us out. He said, "Why did you say that?"

We said that we always say thank you when someone is kind like he just was. He was taken off guard and seemed to well up saying in so many words, "Wow. You saw me. Most people walk over me. They don't see me." We shook his hand, gave him our name, and then wished him a good night.

Big Z asked as we got to the car why we didn't get his contact info. I explained to him that we had a very nice interaction with the man, however, I got the impression he was not only down on his luck, but that he had addiction issues, and that I didn't want to bring that into our lives. I said that we are not able to help him with that right now and so sometimes it's okay just to know that we touched his life just then and helped him feel seen. I added that with this feeling, he likely didn't have the resources to be the best business partner for us at this time, too. Lisa agreed with my assessment of his challenges. I also told Big Z that those he has a speech challenge, that I didn't think that was from drugs or alcohol, but perhaps from some other development issue.

The great thing about what we are doing is that we get to choose. We choose who we work with, even as we are getting our 5 --- not everyone is a match, for us, for our company, for the Together We Can Change The World Heart. And that is okay. But we can still be human to the best of our ability; and we must remember that not everyone wants to be helped; and that we are not desperate. We are looking for who My Power Mall and Together We Can Change The World is FOR, those who looking and those who "see" that what we are offering, right from the start, is something powerful for them, or for an organization they know of.