Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Day 3 --- An adventure that lasted and lasted ;-)

Morning came early for our check-in call after heading to bed early . . . Big Z slept while I was on the line listening to each and every story of our lives . . . and I am touched by the whys of our team. We are the first to benefit from the amazing power of My Power Mall as we move forward with the intention of helping everyone benefit from Together We Can Change The World.

How lovely and nourishing it is to read the comments to our blog, and to the blogs of our Miracle Team Boot Campers. Thank you, each one of you. I really do appreciate your encouragement, support, and taking the time to place your words upon the blog page. It means a lot. I thank you, again, and know that my thanks typed on this machine to not reach the depth of my feeling.

To imagine the challenge of getting 5 --- why . . . it's perplexed me. I realized after our outing last night, that I like to establish a relationship with someone and that doesn't always lead to a conversation about business, or jobs, etc.

So we got Big Z up and Lisa and I spoke about meeting time. I gave Z breakfast and asked him to hustle, for Lisa and I were on a mission to get out earlier today. I shared with Lisa about sending an e-card note after we meet someone and walked her through how to do that.

We met Lisa and walked across the street for a trip to the grocery store we ended at last night to see if we could catch more people. We felt a little odd, even though we had our shopping basket handy and we had an item to purchase in mind . . .

We happened quite unexpectedly on a woman who had a cart overloaded and I gasped and the approach happened quite naturally. It was good. We met Esther who was out being paid to shop for two elder-homes and she was amazed she could get paid again with the certificates. We had a nice visit with her and she wanted to know more. We got her phone and she doesn't have email or a computer. But she said, "I have kids. They have computers. I'll watch it there and get my daughter's email address." I'll call her tomorrow since her day was to be very busy. She let me know the number I have will answer to the establishment she works at because this is also her home.

After this, one would think we'd be fired up and unstoppable. Quite the opposite happened. I was already feeling tired and Big Z was seeming it as well . . . And Lisa picked up my basket and so I had nothing in my hands ! We wondered the aisle and eventually I saw an employee looking at the three of us like he was making sure we were on the up and up. From there, I was really uncomfortable about being there making the 'rounds . . . and they didn't have the item I'd intended to purchase! We kept going however, and we helped a woman find the Ensure. We met a Grandma by the ice cream with her granddaughter, hoping to find the best flavor.

Our visit didn't yield results. We decided to head to the sun, outdoors and along the water again, hoping to find many sun-seekers and playful beings on the bay shores. On our way out, we visited with the woman who was "sentry" at the child area . . . but didn't seem to be an opening. Met another woman in the facilities, and though we had a pleasant exchange, it was just "done" as we made it back to the store.

So off we went out into the sun, walked back to the car a block away, and then toward the bay via downtown. We scoped out a potential "hot spot" but opted for a different day. As we left, we discussed the power of going out and socializing when you have funds in your pocket to buy tea, ice cream, scones, snacks, something that allows you to relax just like everyone else. We agreed we would love to have "roaming funds" as we trek about town . . . Socializing then, for me, sometimes becomes all about food! MmMmM.

So, to the beach we went . . . We had a lovely stroll down the trail to the water and I was surprised to find . . . GREEN GRASS almost empty of folks! ??? Amazing. It was after Noon and a warm day already. Thought THIS was the place to BE!

Well, we got down there and wandered the area, hoping for a chance meeting with folks as they sat quite a large distance from each other. You see, in my mind, the place would be covered in groups, so many that you couldn't help but "bump into each other". This was not the way it was pictured in my mind . . .

Satellites. Space. Distance. Small targets . . .

We had a few conversations, but never had a lengthy opportunity to visit. Got near the toys, finally, and saw it a bit more dense with folks and a guy was playing his guitar, tunes rolling gently to the ear . . . a Mom playing with her toddler, an opportunity to be in closer proximity to others . . . So we stopped and got out Z's tennis balls to have an "activity" like everyone else. Big Z learned the initial stages of team juggling and taught me a few moves the other day. We began with Lisa taking lessons first while I kept my eye out for contacts.

One family came near, but Nada. No takers. The Mom took her toddler away and we were left to play. Satellites. Space. Distance. Small targets. Eventually, after my turn to juggle and Lisa's turn to "keep watch" we decided to get to Costco since Carlos came up with a list of "must haves".

We headed back to the car and found a few more conversations, one that was pretty good for the most part, however, not all contact info was gleaned. This all came on because of Big Z setting his sights on the shade under a big rock. He didn't care that it was right next to a couple sunning themselves (they were there as we walked by them earlier). We wondered over after Big Z and I apologized for his interruption. The gal was cool, though, and said she didn't mind. So we visited about her college, his graduation, his trade, where she grew up, a trip I took, paying for college, MPM and TWCCTW, etc. We had our first dual-shared info as I asked Lisa to get her card and Z to get his . . . Lisa spoke to her and was unable to get her email, and the guy gave the girl his card. So, I told her that Lisa supports a Foundation and Big Z supports a Foundation for TWCCTW -- different addresses, but they go to the same place. Afterward, I spoke to Lisa and cleared with her my slip of inviting Z to hand out his card as well. I spoke too quickly and want to keep our sharing of people an even exchange.

We hiked the hill and got back near the car and met a woman in the shade in her big SUV and she looked at us so we commented on her finding a good spot for lunch. She told us why she was there and we had a lovely visit. Amazing in fact. Lisa has her info and we find out she's in school, taking tests to be a cosmetologist, her life dream. Her husband is supportive and is back running their business. WHAT? Yep, they've had a biz in town for 21 years. I got goose-bumps and was so inspired by this woman. Spoke of Fireflies for the Heart and Someone Believes in You and told her she could be one of the stories, and if Ginny were there . . . Well, she said, "When I meet Ginny, she can write my story!" Lisa has an amazing contact and I cannot WAIT to see what happens.

Lisa, thankfully, reminds me that Big Z has piano!!! Eeeek! Totally spaced that one, so we came by the house, got his music and I made a quick snack for Lisa and Big Z. By the time we got to Costco, alas, it was piano time. I think we were both a bit bummed since we only had one firm contact, some conversations, and a few cards handed out . . . and I haven't been in Costco for ages ! Carlos was on his way to meet up with Lisa, so we said "Bye" and off we went to piano.

Big Z had his lesson for the first time without me. I thought if I sat in a chair, I'd not get up again, so, off I went across the street to explore an Asian market that I'd never been in. While there I was surprised to learn it had a restaurant I never knew about. I visited with one employee, but didn't get the sense she was interested in more than pleasantries. The one I really wanted to talk with was the woman at the restaurant.

I had to get to Big Z, since he was going to give me a little concert. I spoke with the woman who owns the establishment and learned her business is doing pretty well considering the situation facing many now, and, that she was placing orders to be ready for Fall. That was all she wrote before the concert. Big Z's piece was great!

We left and went to the car, meeting a Mom, son, and daughter on their way to her son's class. We got to talk with Mom and daugther, got their names, but they were off to a mad-dash errand. So, I took Z to the Asian store to look around, we bought some flavored seaweed snacks, and then went to explore the restaurant.

We found the woman I wanted to talk with and learned she'd worked there for years. We both recognize each other, from where we don't know. She said Big Z looks familiar, too, had we ever eaten there. A long exchange ensued which was interrupted a few times as customers needed orders or came in for an order . . .

The best question I've gotten in days was after she'd helped someone and she came back to the counter and asked, "So where have you worked? Maybe I've seen you there."

This lead to my telling her that usually my hair is very long, and it would be strange if she could still find familiarity about me; and that I do Reconnective Healing work; and that my son and I work together in his business, and about Together We Can Change The World Day and its purpose, and how my hair became short since I donated it to Locks of Love. She has a cousin with alopecia areata and said, "It's true! She can't grow hair."

We placed an order for egg rolls, connected on the RH level and I showed her how it works. She asked my fees, and then we had more customers and by then, it was time to go. You could see she was feeling a bit as if she weren't keeping up. We will go back to visit, though.

Came home to recoup and assess our next steps. A few minutes after we got in, Lisa and Carlos stopped by. We visited and I progressively got more tired, and instinctively knew I was in no shape to drive my car or get on a bike any longer . . . I'm too tired and I wondered how on earth to meet my commitment of 5 contacts when I had only 1 . . .

When Lisa and Carlos left, I mustered energy to get Big Z's dinner and get the phone to my ear. I called and left a VM for the Pink Flamingo woman, and told her I had an idea about her new book. I also asked her for a time we can speak about TWCCTW because clearly she and her gals have this kind of heart. I also added that I realized that since the Relay 4 Life was happening, she and those Flamingos were likely pretty booked up. But, if she could call or email about when is good to connect, that it would be great.

I made a few calls but still had only 1 lead. Hmmm. What do I do? It was late by now and so I checked to see if I had any west coast leads. Nope. I checked my files for folks and found some people to call. Thankfully, I've kept records. I gave a call and to two folks and was glad for 2 more contacts.

I called 2 more contacts from last night to follow-up. I got three wrong numbers. All three were from the fellas with the Rottweilers. Guess we can say our pleasant conversation was exactly that!

I have no excuses; only growth. Only curiosity. Only observation. I do know my fatigue got to me today. I realize that my beginning of Miracle Team Boot Camp is not a "fresh start" but instead an extension of a long series of days that have become months. I realize I haven't given myself much time for renewal and I am hearing my message with Jacki in one ear and a visual of Ginny in my eye --- Taking care of self is important and I've been pushing, pushing, pushing.

I do know that I wasn't as comfortable in the store and felt more comfortable outside. I find I must have an activity, a reason, something for connecting with others ---to have the common activity or situation that provides gel for a conversation; to invade on the personal space of others when they are clearly showing they'd like privacy is just not an option.

I learned again, for it came up during the Miracle Team leads, that I'm unwilling to step over the bounds with a youth who is still under their parents roof and introduce MPM without their parent to agree. I can hand out a card, but to get their contact information feels like a no-no. So, going through an organization, such as Jacki recommended with the Boys and Girls Clubs or similar program, is one way to have "permission given" to speak to youth about this opportunity.

Though we have a big town, it sure felt small today! I have to say I like calling a lead who has asked for information and get to know them and their reason for asking. Still need to find an approach that works for me no matter what the situation ;-).


Ginny Dye said...

Good morning my friend!

I have a suggestion for you. Since you're going to be out and about town I have an idea for you. How about going into businesses? The owners are already business minded, or the people standing behind the desk need something to do. At this time of year it won't be hard to find a business with no one in it, or go in at a slow time when the owner is available.

You could approach them from the aspect of TWCCTW... "I would like to share a book with you called 101 Ways Your Business Can Change The World", or, "I would like to direct My Power Mall members to your place of business. Can I show you how that could happen?" Then take them to the BBP Presentation or give them an Invitation card with the link and then call them back. It won't be hard to find them again! :)

If you're talking to an employee you can still open the door by offering to send the book to the owner, and then talk to them about how they can make money, as well. If they're working, they need money. :) You know they don't have time to watch the presentation but you can at least get their contact info and give them a card.

This might be easier than trying to catch the attention of someone in the park. I'd love you to give it a try and see how it goes!


Jacki Varacalli said...

I agree, you need a new approach so you can be comfortable. I will send out the BPP information tonight after the call so everyone has it and you can start making the connections in a way that might work better for you.

Tina said...

hi Tess,
so glad your in the boot camp. Read your blogs. It's hard I know sometimes, but you know it is all worth it. Don't think too much on how people will react to what you are sharing. Just go for it. They won't bite, and the worst that will happen is that you will get a no! Gotta go! hope your feeling better.

worldchangerrealitybootcampeleanorn said...

Just keep trying. Remember that quitters never win, and winners never quit. It will get easier to get your 5 every day.