Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Wednesday Coaching Call

In an amazing bit of news this evening from Jacki, I learned I missed the coaching call ;-).

I'm still off this week on my days ;-). Today was like Tuesday, even though I knew at various times of the day it was Wednesday! By Coaching Call time, I didn't have a clue ;-). All sorts of things converged at that point and I even called Jacki. Even when I didn't get her, I still didn't realize my error. I'm sorry to have missed both calls this week. I'd say I'm out of rhythm with my schedule --

Today I made more calls to local merchants. I have one business owner I thought of a few weeks ago as a choice for the Solar Oven Project. When I went to his website today and read about his business history, his philosophy and who he supports, I was very pleased. He has the TWCCTW heart. Though I didn't reach him in today, I hope to reach him tomorrow.

I did find another manager who was very intrigued and willing to send information along to his regional manager, and we'll speak again in a few weeks once he returns from vacation.

And, I spoke to another manager who said I'd need to speak to the owner, so I will give another call tomorrow.

I had a great success today speaking with an owner directly for another smaller store out in the county. They are the largest grocer in that area of our county, and she's quite used to fund-raising efforts, including her own. This summer they have raised between $200-$300 dollars for their local charity of choice, the library, and are helping pay for its new addition. Though she was a bit tentative trusting who we are and our motives, her desire to give outweighed her concern and she's willing to have tables set up out in front of her market this Saturday to "give it a try".

This is exciting news . . . Surely, we will find business folks in our local areas who have the TWCCTW philosophy and heart, and they will enjoy partnering with us in fund-raising endeavors. This first store is an example of it. And more will follow.

Keep your heads held high, and continue to reach for your dreams. They are within reach. Consistency and perseverance, and doing what others are sometimes unwilling to do over and over and over, however simple, are the keys to many a successful person who's walked before us. Now is our turn to put these principles into play.

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